Wonder why there is no longer much practical difference between the two parties? Republican or Democrat nothing really changes, government gets bigger, the country wide panopticon
Well I have a theory.....
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Panopticon - design is to allow an observerto observe (-opticon)all (pan-) inmates of an institution withoutthem being able to tell whetheror not they are being watched. |
gets more powerful. They both mortgage our future instead of making courageous choices that might jeopardize their reelection.
Well I have a theory.....
The former Marxist turned “godfather of neoconservatives,” Irving Kristol, turns out to be an unconverted Marxist mastermind after all! Kristol surreptitiously became the most successful Marxist in history by secretly sabotaging young conservative minds, he got me for a few years, into his ideologically web; "conservative" in name only ! There is no practical difference between Irvings' neoconservative Republicans and today's Democrats. Aside from huffing and puffing their differences for the camera, they both result in larger government, financial irresponsibility, declining dollar, inflation, a state-monopolistic capitalism, and finally, all according the master's plan; a Utopian Marxist society. This is just a theory, but here's what really has happened:
After Mr Kristol helped to start off the neoconservatives, they finally gained ascendency during the mid-Reagan Administration, (Reagan must have been partially senile by this time). This is the important part: Around this time Democrats "picked" the neoconservatives as their new opposition. Of course! Any Democrat would rather "fight" someone more like them self and marginalize their real conservative opposition. The media, being overwhelmingly Democrat, were only too cooperative to take the spotlight off the real Republican opposition. Genius Kristol, ...genius! So the real Mitt Romney, just like his neoconservative Democrat brothers are for all intents and purposes, the same. Nothing will be discernible different if he is elected. He won't be, I'm just saying.
Second, & back to my theory...
In Marxist teachings, capitalism's destruction follows a "state monopolistic capitalism." We now, of "necessity," have taken steps toward such a system when Republicans are complicit in the now state-chosen, corporate favorites' system;
- Certain state-coddled corporations get trillions in "bail-out" government support, others go under.
- Record large-cap profits occur in a jobless recovery, (although Walmart's hiring).
This is what neoconservatives do. It's part of their DNA since Kristol's founding ideology.
Along the US Citizen's "Road to Serfdom"
If you read my other posts, are brave enough to question your unexamined beliefs, instead of salivate to the Republican establishment, then perhaps a few of you will begin to understand why the US citizen's "Road to Serfdom," or financial slavery, coincides with the neoconservatives' stern ideological take over of the Republican Party. Neoconservatives' initial proselytizers were geniuses at incorporating for popular consumption Irving's intoxicating "ideals." So intoxicating that once its' absolutist vision took hold in the naive Republican mind, me being one of them, only a brutal reality could hope to crack its all-powerful matrix.
In retrospect, the 2008 financial crisis unfortunately was only a hairline crack in this matrix, Republicans are still sleeping, i.e. Neocon Romney Robot. Oh what hope for America, :(
Before our country gets any better politically, there must be a practical alternative to the bankrupt neoconservative agenda. I am calling for the establishment of the best viable political values the world has to offer; that of a neo-traditional (non-racist) conservatism to restore the respect, intellectual integrity and decency of the now broken and humiliated Republican Party.
Neotraditional conservatives will have to be sure of their historical foundations, put up courageously with flack from "both" sides, and be versed in the true origins of conservatism, not this Micky Mouse version they've been handed. Are you up to the challenge? Its only our entire country at stake.
Neotraditional conservatives will have to be sure of their historical foundations, put up courageously with flack from "both" sides, and be versed in the true origins of conservatism, not this Micky Mouse version they've been handed. Are you up to the challenge? Its only our entire country at stake.
Unite! Take our Party back!
Lawrence A. Feriozzi
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