Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Paul Ryan, Republicans Finally Reign In Debt--Great Timing!

      So the Republicans are finally focusing on cutting the debt?  Great timing!  I remember writing my first college newspaper article in 1988 about the destructive debt growth in this country, and being ignored by Republicans thoughout the ensuing decades.  The same decades when the Republicans spent just as much as the Democrats, only they didn't pay for it.  They were "Starving the Beast," or spending big while cutting taxes so government would starve and die.  Well it's dying, just when we actually need it.  Thanks Republicans!  What practically-minded person could think of a worst time, just when the middle class is being foreclosed on?  Their are none, unless your Paul Ryan.

     However, if your an ideologically-minded person, like Paul Ryan, who gets your congressional staff to read Ayn Rand's books about the satanic nature of any government intervention and how monopolies are great; now is the perfect time.  It's a perfect excuse for private industry to step in where governments have proved inefficient and have them privatize Medicare, Social Security, etc.  Perhaps we could let private industry build all our new roads and bridges and let them decide how much to charge us to get to work everyday. 
Randians: Way Too Serious!

Lawrence Feriozzi

p.s. I like Rand, her philosophy is useful for perspective and comparisons, but not as an absolutist agenda!