Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lies for Mass Consumption #1: "I vote for the candidate, not the party."

"Swing Voters" swing toward
Special Interest Money

Special Interest Money + Independent Voter = No Candidate Accountability

     Previous to the now overwhelming influence of corrupting special-interest campaign contributions, the strongest accountability available to political office holders was that of their party: Democrat or Republican.  Candidate's needed to get their party's endorsement to receive needed funds to successfully run for office.  This endorsement was only given if the candidate held to his party's basic platform while in office.

        It is no longer necessary for candidates to secure the trust of their party to get the massive amounts of money necessary to successfully run for office.  In fact it is now necessary for candidates to secure this special interest money because their opposition will.  Special interest have up'ed the financial ante in political campaigns and run quite a show indeed.

Special Interest Money: Death by A Thousand Small Cuts

          Special interest money is concerned with getting favorable treatment from their candidate on narrow issues important to them, i.e. their organization's tax breaks, government contracts, regulatory influence, etc. ...  They could not care less about smaller government, less taxes or any issue typically motivating voters.  They can, however, finance the sophisticated sophistry now necessary to make voters think they do.

Special Interest Growth Corresponds
to Growth of the Independent Voter
          A necessary, but insufficient, condition of restoring accountability to politicians is for voters to wake up and realize strict party affiliation for themselves and their choice of candidates needs restoration!  Because today's politician is free from his party's requirement to "tow the party line," government is now the unaccountable, ambiguous, free-for-all it is today.  All this is not possible without the help of well-intentioned yet misinformed "independently-minded" voters.

Independent Voters, Wake Up!

         Do you or someone you know claim to "vote for the candidate, not the party"?  Are you, or they, registered Independent?  I understand your naive sense of disfranchisement and frustration with our current political situation.  Indeed this naivete is evidence of your superiority over the mass of US "citizens" that punch their vote in like the Pavlov's dogs salivate for treats, or for government handouts.   Nevertheless, you are a major reason for our government's "inability" to effect the change you seek.  The idea of voting for the individual candidate instead of for strong party affiliation is a chimera of the special interests.  It is a monster made from the eclectic, and most hideous parts of the people really running this pathetic show we call government: The Special Interest Group.


            For this reason, and many others, I will continue calling for the establishment of a neo-traditional (non-racist) conservatism to restore the respect, intellectual integrity and decency of the now broken and humiliated Republican Party.
Neotraditional conservatives will have to be sure of their historical foundations, courageously endure flak from "both" sides, and be versed in the true origins of conservatism, not this Mickey Mouse version they've been handed.  Are you up to the challenge?  It’s only our entire country at stake.
Lawrence A. Feriozzi

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