Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Least of Two Evils is Now Too Evil

Mussolini's message; DEFEND!
Trump resonates with the frustration of conservative voters through scapegoating immigrants, types of people, and labeling protestors as terrorists for what Wall Street and multinational corporation have done. This law and order theme of most new dictatorships—Nazi’s and the Jews, Italy and the Communist and so on. It is easier to name a seen enemy, but the real enemy is corrupted financial institutions which parade the free market while living in socialism at our expense. 

Hillary says the situation isn’t that bad, that just a little further down the same road we are on, and our suffering will end. As a representative of their bankrupt ideas, there are few better than her (see last blog entry). Eight years ago “we chose" a black man. It turns out to only be a different face to represent the same establishment regime. With charisma and hope, many thought this unprecedented development would begin to restore some justice to our society. Instead, this celebrated diversity was used to increase injustice. *

Collectively these multinationals are anonymous, without a figurehead. They are an "inverted totalitarian" plutocracy: Clinton's coronation is only a simulacrum of our democratic republic.
Strangely, the other side was allowed to choose an outsider. (If, of course, Trump is not in cahoots with Clinton from the start; for example he shamelessly soaks up attention, entertains and distracts voters, and, most importantly, is easy to beat.) Wow, thank you, new global order!

As the last few moves of a monopoly game, it’s just a formality—they have won.

  1. Bailouts for the billionaire classes, austerity for the masses.
  2. The assassination of an American citizen without due process, now, even within the country.
  3. Ending with force peaceful assembly across the nation. 
  4. Punish any whistleblower with no quarter, (because they are the only source of power's actions). the list goes on and on and on

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