Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life Is Better

   Life is much, much better than it used to be, within a larger perspective.  I know the economy might tank,... again, and we have false, elite-chosen, non-democratic choices for our next leaders but lets look at the bigger picture.  Only 150 years ago most of our lineage were struggling to get enough food to eat for the day.  Now I can get fat cheaply and listen to great music for the cost of an internet connection.
     We are humans, learning though trial and error.  We have made many mistakes that need major correction, but the general direction is toward a better life for more people in the world, with lots of exceptions.  Radically unjust oppression has been the rule since we "advanced" from bands and tribes to chiefdoms, growing more oppressive in state systems since Mesopotamia.  Nevertheless, given a couple thousand years and things are undeniably looking up.  Even if our American system doesn't last much longer as we know it, I think we will learn, people and leaders will become more responsible, and life will continue to get better for the generations to come, even if it doesn't for ours.

Lawrence Feriozzi