Saturday, September 20, 2014

You Have To Read This, So Another Preemptive War...

Advertising is the art of arresting the human intelligence just long enough to get money from it.
 Chuck Blore

You have decided without knowing it!
      So here we go again, the warmongering military-industrial-media complex has us in 70% agreement with another preemptive war.  The only debate is whether the President is "tough enough."  How's that for democracy?  

      Stranger still is the absence of any serious talk about it.  Wow, the level of control the military-industrial-media complex has to completely shut down dialogue, dialogue that was possible when we had a free and independent press,... back when we had a representative government.

     It's gotten so easy; just show a couple plausible, emotionally-charged videos--they know it bypasses our rational brain-- have the corporate media repeat 24/7, and BAM!, $500 million down payment on our country's most corrupt business.  Maybe they can squeeze another 1.5 trillion out of the taxpayers with no lasting effect like last time?  Meanwhile we can wave Old Glory and feel good about how we are still the strongest country on Earth, for now,...kinda like Rome in the 300s.  Anyways, it's easier than thinking.

What's to blame, the elitist amygdala (emotional brain).
      I believe those elite leaders behind this new war convinced themselves they are doing a good thing, that's what the emotional amygdala does: it short-circuits the rational parts of the brain with it's drivenness for something it wants.  The leaders making the decisions are like a drug addict, "I need this, we need this" I imagine them saying to themselves.  
    and our brain stem...
    For the 70%, if your emotions for revenge (amygdala) and your fear-fight-brain stem  is activated by fear from someone getting their head chopped off, it tends to short-circuit your rational brain.  This technique is used expertly by advertiser and public relations people before you know it happens.  

Your rational brain will rationalize the decision your more basic brain(s) made without your knowledge.  I wish more people knew about this, makes me wonder why.

If you want something emotional,
    What about the soldiers?  Their families?  Their mental health?  They're the ones that really have to live with these warmonger's decisions, they're the ones ordered to make "pink mist" out of people which have never threatened them or their country! 

It's a lot easier to go, than to come back.

...and let's not forget
ISIS is not that powerful.
It's a regional conflict,
and what will count as victory?

Lawrence Feriozzi