Sunday, May 6, 2012

Occupy Wall Street, The Tea Party and regular people: UNITE!

I'm not mad anymore.  I have been in deep study and reassessment of the issues from many perspectives.  I concluded that I am one of the "Regular People" who don't seem to have a movement or a voice in today's world.  I am a practical and moderate Republican who believes in simple common sense.

Banks that are too big to fail, are too big to exist. Just think about it.  Capitalism is the best economic system there is.  But we have gone from "survival of the fittest to survival of the fattest."

I have come to cool-headed terms with this idea.  The only reason they still do exist is because of the inordinate power they wield in Washington.  So it's time for the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street and all the more moderate people like myself to unite around something that will make our abused and leveraged system a little more like the rest of us "Regular People."

In all sincerity,
Lawrence Feriozzi

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