Friday, August 22, 2014

James Foley : US Atrocity Propaganda?

    Why would ISIS be so stupid as to provoke the American military with the recent beheading of James Foley? Certainly they know they have a better chance of gaining power without provoking the United States?

Why are no corporate media outlets asking this basic question?
Or perhaps this is just part of the US government's plan described by General Wesley Clark years ago:

Video of Gen Wesley Clark Reveals US Plan To Invade Iraq, Syria, etc... in 2007
   I hope to God its not true. But we have seen these types of emotional claims "leak" before that serve the powers that want war in our government and military industries.  What of the female genital mutilations ISIS was perpetrating that turned out as faked?

Then there is the most famous of all atrocity propaganda:
  Nayirah testimony Oct. 1990 to Congress
Of babies being taken out incubators to die in Kuwait hospitals by heartless Iraq soldiers which testimony in Congress led to the narrow margin of congressional support for the 1st Gulf War.  This was a just war but presently I'm sceptical about further engagements that cost so much money and the young lives of our soldiers and foreigners who's children grow up to hate us.

In sincere hope our government is telling us the truth this time,
Lawrence Feriozzi

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