Sunday, October 28, 2012

When Will We, Non-Elite, Understand This?

     Unlike all previous campaigns, I have not allowed myself to become even a little pregnant with a candidate's vision.  Why?
  • Both will allow the growing anti-competitive corruption of state-capitalism and the demise of our economy; with the largest, politically connected industries bribing a larger and larger slice of our economic pie through:
  1. Direct payments, (the military), 
  2. Subsides, (to higher education, trillions for big pharmaceuticals & Bush's Medicare part D)
  3. Regulations written by the industry leaders for their own competitive advantage, (Banking, Insurance, Finance) 
     All this while government investment in struggling industries of the future which have allowed for our economic power in the world, are not supported.  These hypocritical crony-capitalist note the "market should decide."  Perhaps their real concern is keeping their own piece of government pie safe?

     When will all of we non-elites understand this?  Tea Party advocates concerned with their taxes paying for bank bailouts and crony-capitalism, and Occupy Wall Street people rebelling against trillions of debt wiped out for the big players but anticipating a life of servitude to pay back their college loans making $7.25 an hour.

Lawrence Feriozzi

Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Just Insert This Amendment Into The Bill Tomorrow, and Be a Good Boy"

     Perhaps I am like the presidential candidates: I am most palatable and popular swaddling around with real, yet very unimportant questions, decisions, and actions; while the great city of Rome burns just off camera.  The largest and most important decisions and actions, say, to come clean about lobbying and campaign millions defiling the processes of democracy, are not seriously discussed, other than to acknowledge, minimize, and effectively dismiss as a real possibility for future action, of course, “It certainly deserves further discussion.”  The processes of a real democracy should loosen the collectives’ hold over our money and corrupted institutions.  Public unions, Too Big To Fail “private corporations” or more accurately, political collectives in finance, insurance, health, education, defense, energy, and others should get a swift kick off the public dole where they benefit their politically powerful institutions, in lieu of being effective institutions which benefit us, …the separated “us,” out in a burning city.  
     Is this not unlike a man, say myself, in a relationship with a girl, say my wife, where we discuss the bills that need to be paid today, the money we are saving, the next apartment we want to rent all while the largest decisions; for individuating through courageous decision and action, into something unique, responsive, and corrective to myself and others, are acknowledge, minimize, and effectively dismiss as a real possibility for future action?  “We should talk more about this if its so important to you.”   My personal collective would have me in support of the collectives’ best practices; producing and raising civil citizens in support of the collective. How shall I address the initial assumption?  Is my choice between a truer existence of vital life, isolation, then annihilation, and, a non-choice of species perpetuation 2.0? 

“To put me in this “whole” you imagine is to negate me.”  Kierkegaard to Hegel

I painfully anticipate your misunderstandings,
Lawrence Feriozzi