Sunday, October 28, 2012

When Will We, Non-Elite, Understand This?

     Unlike all previous campaigns, I have not allowed myself to become even a little pregnant with a candidate's vision.  Why?
  • Both will allow the growing anti-competitive corruption of state-capitalism and the demise of our economy; with the largest, politically connected industries bribing a larger and larger slice of our economic pie through:
  1. Direct payments, (the military), 
  2. Subsides, (to higher education, trillions for big pharmaceuticals & Bush's Medicare part D)
  3. Regulations written by the industry leaders for their own competitive advantage, (Banking, Insurance, Finance) 
     All this while government investment in struggling industries of the future which have allowed for our economic power in the world, are not supported.  These hypocritical crony-capitalist note the "market should decide."  Perhaps their real concern is keeping their own piece of government pie safe?

     When will all of we non-elites understand this?  Tea Party advocates concerned with their taxes paying for bank bailouts and crony-capitalism, and Occupy Wall Street people rebelling against trillions of debt wiped out for the big players but anticipating a life of servitude to pay back their college loans making $7.25 an hour.

Lawrence Feriozzi

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