Friday, August 16, 2013

Rush is Corporatist Tool

    The largest corporate donor's billions, their lobbying, and their writing of the complex anti-competitive regulatory laws—which is impenetrable to everyone except them—has defiled our republic.  It has done so by eliminating competitive capitalism at the highest levels.  The largest corporations in all of our mature industries have nearly become state-supported monopolies and oligopolies. 
     The biggest companies in oil, food production, media, education, health care, banking, credit cards, etc., have used Republican's loyalty to the idea of free-markets to perpetrate less competition in our economy.  Their use (abuse) of governmental power; tailored regulations, corporate bailouts, lax antitrust prosecution, will eventually destroy our economy. 
     Do influential Republicans like Rush Limbaugh see this?  Do they know they are a corporatist tool?

Lawrence Feriozzi

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