Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Democrats' Hypocritical Diversity

Image result for Democrats' Diversity 
Why do the Democrats pretend to champion diversity? ..yet are equally facilitating the further growth of grotesque inequity and oppression?*  Obviously for votes, oostensibly because they care for the poor and racial injustice. The modern Democrat needs only a small expression of their support of diversity because the alternative Republicans are typically ignorant on race issues, you might say a-racial.  So then why such a parade of diversity at the Democratic convention if it were unnecessary? 

Diversity is the strongest selling point of any difference with the Republicans that Democrats have. We have a Corporate State no matter the party. The issues that frame the entire context of the possible debate is decided long before voters can screw it up. TransPacific Partnership is a obfuscated example of this fact. This agreement needs obfuscation because no citizen, Democrat, Republican, or otherwise would want it. If understood its’ approval would be universally repulsive, except for the multinational corporations that wrote it.

*Bill Clinton, and Hillary;
    Image result for Democrats' Diversity
  1.  Reformed welfare reducing aid to the poor by millions.
  2. Championed NAFTA
  3. Facilitated the private prison system which today profits wildly off their incarcerated slaves.
  4. Reformed the criminal justice system which made the US have more incarcerated per capita than any other industrialized nation
  5. Repealed the Glass-Steagall Act--a necessary condition of the 2008 collapse.

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