Friday, June 1, 2012

Cornel West, Capitalism, Trustbusting & the 2nd Amendment

All good things.

Modern life is the most complex it has ever been in the history of mankind.  To think simple ideological solutions will solve our most intractable problems is an understandable instinct, but it's also wrong.

Life was easier when I fit into the neat ideological sliding scale of prefabricated political categories defined by today's public discussion.  Problem is these issues are too important and complex to leave in the hands of the world's narrow preexisting categories for political meaning.

I have, as Dr West puts it, "put to death" some of the weakest prefabricated ideas that were made for me as a Republican.  I now have more nuanced understanding of the world.

  • Immigration policy in this country is inhuman, irrational, and shameful--it contributes to the "rot" or internal decay that have dismantled all great empires.  It is a "keep what's ours" mentality not based on reality but in selfish fear of losing what we have.
  • Free-market capitalism is the best economic system the world has to offer, but the Justice Department needs to seriously ramp-up it's Anti-Trust prosecution and break up our present day oligarchies which have hijacked the democratic process.
    • It is no longer possible to vote against this oligarchy of big business and banks; they have essentially captured our government's democratic processes entirely.
  • Police should be respected as the critical institution it is in maintaining our tenuous civil order; however, too large of a percentage abuse their power and violate the rights and dignity of the citizens they were sworn to serve and protect.

Because these ideas lack "concision" and  will not fit neatly between two commercials and for other reasons, they are not discussed, debated, much less analyzed before the masses.

Lawrence Feriozzi

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