Sunday, June 10, 2012

When is a Firm Ideology Good?

When is a firm ideology good?  Never, accept in the underlying empowering assumptions of our Constitution.  If we start dissecting the "truth" of our collective assumptions of the ideal, such as, "all men are created equal" then our entire society will break down into a vulgar relativism and result in an uninspiring chaos.  Do we have a firm basis for "knowing" these underlying assumptions?  No we don't, but I believe them in faith without proof, and also for the above mentioned practical reason.

Given that condition, a firm ideology has a horrible track record of destructive obstinacy. It's practitioner's ideals are the ideals everyone else should be following-if others just understood.  Republicans are saying to themselves, "If they just understood Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, etc. ... they would sign the no new tax pledge, they would allow unfettered free markets," etc....Republicans, your ideals are ruining this country.

Lawrence Feriozzi,
Neotraditional, fair-minded, Conservative

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