Sunday, June 17, 2012

Exploitation & US State-Capitalism

Recycling cotton
Most of the products that empower our standard of living often enable and perpetuate state-capitalist systems of unfairness in the US and worse systems overseas.  Those multinational corporations that can get away with exploiting people in developing countries through their supplier are motivated to do so because we demand higher quality and lower prices.  I don't blame consumers, that’s what consumers do; it’s what makes capitalism the best, most efficient economic system available in the world today.  There is no incentive for either the consumer or the manufacture to reveal exploitation.  It would lower our enjoyment, and their profit received from these products.

This one minute video shows a women sniffing burnt plastic
with her lighter in order to separate plastic for recycling.
"You don't talk to outsiders."

This is our government’s job; they, exclusively, are in a position to oversee and try to remedy these injustices.  Unfortunately our government is by and large captured by these enormous multinational corporations they “oversee.”

Lawrence Feriozzi

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