Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lies for Mass Consumption #1: "I vote for the candidate, not the party."

"Swing Voters" swing toward
Special Interest Money

Special Interest Money + Independent Voter = No Candidate Accountability

     Previous to the now overwhelming influence of corrupting special-interest campaign contributions, the strongest accountability available to political office holders was that of their party: Democrat or Republican.  Candidate's needed to get their party's endorsement to receive needed funds to successfully run for office.  This endorsement was only given if the candidate held to his party's basic platform while in office.

        It is no longer necessary for candidates to secure the trust of their party to get the massive amounts of money necessary to successfully run for office.  In fact it is now necessary for candidates to secure this special interest money because their opposition will.  Special interest have up'ed the financial ante in political campaigns and run quite a show indeed.

Special Interest Money: Death by A Thousand Small Cuts

          Special interest money is concerned with getting favorable treatment from their candidate on narrow issues important to them, i.e. their organization's tax breaks, government contracts, regulatory influence, etc. ...  They could not care less about smaller government, less taxes or any issue typically motivating voters.  They can, however, finance the sophisticated sophistry now necessary to make voters think they do.

Special Interest Growth Corresponds
to Growth of the Independent Voter
          A necessary, but insufficient, condition of restoring accountability to politicians is for voters to wake up and realize strict party affiliation for themselves and their choice of candidates needs restoration!  Because today's politician is free from his party's requirement to "tow the party line," government is now the unaccountable, ambiguous, free-for-all it is today.  All this is not possible without the help of well-intentioned yet misinformed "independently-minded" voters.

Independent Voters, Wake Up!

         Do you or someone you know claim to "vote for the candidate, not the party"?  Are you, or they, registered Independent?  I understand your naive sense of disfranchisement and frustration with our current political situation.  Indeed this naivete is evidence of your superiority over the mass of US "citizens" that punch their vote in like the Pavlov's dogs salivate for treats, or for government handouts.   Nevertheless, you are a major reason for our government's "inability" to effect the change you seek.  The idea of voting for the individual candidate instead of for strong party affiliation is a chimera of the special interests.  It is a monster made from the eclectic, and most hideous parts of the people really running this pathetic show we call government: The Special Interest Group.


            For this reason, and many others, I will continue calling for the establishment of a neo-traditional (non-racist) conservatism to restore the respect, intellectual integrity and decency of the now broken and humiliated Republican Party.
Neotraditional conservatives will have to be sure of their historical foundations, courageously endure flak from "both" sides, and be versed in the true origins of conservatism, not this Mickey Mouse version they've been handed.  Are you up to the challenge?  It’s only our entire country at stake.
Lawrence A. Feriozzi

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday, Sackcloth & Ashes, & An Open Apology

Repentance is good for the soul, just don't take it too far,
 you might kill yourself.
I think I need to publicly repent.  The tone of previous posts are sanctimonious and condescending, I urge you to read them and judge for yourself.  I was wrong for this, I apologize.  Oh well, I'm human, enough said.

It is difficult to contain myself on these issues I have been so well-acquainted with for so long.  From my earliest memories of Reagan beating Carter in 1980.  What a grander, simpler time.  I loved that Styrofoam red, white, and blue hat my older brother stole and broke in two.  I miss my simple days of proud Republican affiliation without conditions.  Oh well, neoconservatives are humans too, I forgive you.  I just don't think you should have power anymore.

Today is much more important than politics, even since politics became necessary during the start of human beings first use of agriculture, trade, and wealth began 6,000-9,000 years ago.  Politics, as dirty, corrupt, and unjust as it has always been, was much better than the alternative form of settling who's in charge; killing opponents and full-scale war.

Today is about the human race having the option to be spiritual instead of just an animal.  The greatest among this planet have been misunderstood as the evil in their time, but did what is right anyway.  This shuts my mouth.  Do I have the internal strength of character to do what's right in the face of being misunderstood as the problem by those I most care about saving?

Lawrence A. Feriozzi

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Coming Inflationary Crisis: Republican Neoconservatives Responsible!

                Oh, yeah, I've heard “smaller government” sentiments continuously from establishment Republicans for years, so why the crippling debt?  Why the growth in government during your watch?
                I can already hear your response my misguided neoconservative friend who thinks he has not been brainwashed by the last 17 years: "It’s the Democrats’ fault!"  Really?  Which of the two parties should be expected to fight for smaller government and fiscal responsibility?   The Democrats are the historical spendthrifts, of course they will try to spend more and make government bigger.  It falls exclusively to the Republicans to keep them in line.  So either the ruling neoconservatives Republicans have provided a completely incompetent and ineffective opposition, or they have more in common with Lenin than with Burke.  Former neoconservative intellectual Francis Fukuyama recently wrote that neoconservatives,
“…believed that history can be pushed along with the right application of power and will. Leninism was a tragedy in its Bolshevik version, and it has returned as farce when practiced by the United States. Neoconservatism, as both a political symbol and a body of thought, has evolved into something I can no longer support."
                Facts are, while their main agenda is the promotion of their ideals worldwide, preemptively if possible, on the domestic side neoconservative are (a) more comfortable with efficient government then with less government, and (b) more relaxed about deficit spending than being fiscally responsible. 
                Such is the reason I am set at odds with the majority of "conservatives" misguided by the now neoconservative establishment.  The prepackaged absolutist sophistry from their sacrosanct, sanctimonious, self-appointed, simpleton leaders like Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Rush make me want to gag and puke.   
              Worse is the Media's association of neoconservatives' utter failure with real conservative's practical time-tested ideas.  They have allowed the media to once again say, with such honest socialistic concern,  “Is capitalism outdated?  Blah, blah, blah.  Watch the CNN special tonight. Blah, blah.”  I don’t like to gag or puke so I’ve stopped watching or listening to both the absolutist and the socialist.
                Before our country gets any better politically, there must be a practical alternative to the bankrupt neoconservative agenda.  I am calling for the establishment of the best viable political values the world has to offer; that of a neo-traditional (non-racist) conservatism to restore the respect, intellectual integrity and decency of the now broken and humiliated Republican Party.
Neotraditional conservatives will have to be sure of their historical foundations, courageously endure flak from "both" sides, and be versed in the true origins of conservatism, not this Mickey Mouse version they've been handed.  Are you up to the challenge?  It’s only our entire country at stake.
Lawrence A. Feriozzi

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Take back our Republican Party!

Rank and file neoconservatives holding fast to their ideals in spite of the evidence are not conservative!  Historically conservatives’ very essence is pragmatic and practical!  They are guided by time-tested values and by the practical realities of the day, not philosophical abstractions regardless of circumstances. 
Examples of philosophical abstractions;

  • “Profit is THE Good in and of itself; anyone who disagrees is a socialist.”  WRONG.  See, there is a difference between making a profit and taking that same profit.
    • To make a profit is good; it means you are providing something of real-world value to the market and society.
    • Taking a profit or “profit-taking” via continuous, industrial-sized market manipulations to siphon-off value from the market is bad; you are providing nothing of worth to the market or society, you’re just mooching.

  • “As an elected representative, addressing the special interests of voters and contributors is my primary duty.”  WRONG AGAIN.  See, there is a difference between serving in public office and serving for public office. 
    • Serving in public office means you have the courageous, visionary instinct to do the right thing regardless of the consequences once in a while.  Cut us off from the teat of government before we go bankrupt and have no country!  
    • But you, neoconservative Republican, are serving for public office.  You address the desires of voters and contributors to get reelected.  You are weak, douchey moochers like the rest of us in America.  SOCIAL SECURITY RECIPIENTS NOT EXCLUDED!  

Cut us off for our own good; that is Republican leadership!

But here I aim for more than sophisticated grumblings.  I wish again to see the reestablishment of the best political values that the world has to offer; that of a neotraditional (non-racist) conservatism to the broken Republican Party.

Are you there?

Unite!  Take back our Republican Party!


Lawrence A. Feriozzi

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Republicans Still Sleeping, i.e. Neocon-Robotron Romney v. Obama: There's No Difference!

Wonder why there is no longer much practical difference between the two parties?  Republican or Democrat nothing really changes, government gets bigger, the country wide panopticon

Panopticon - design is to allow an observer

 to observe (-opticon)

 all (pan-) inmates of an institution without 

them being able to tell whether 

or not they are being watched.

 gets more powerful.  They both mortgage our future instead of making courageous choices that might jeopardize their reelection.

Well I have a theory.....
The former Marxist turned “godfather of neoconservatives,” Irving Kristol, turns out to be an unconverted Marxist mastermind after all!  Kristol surreptitiously became the most successful Marxist in history by secretly sabotaging young conservative minds, he got me for a few years, into his ideologically web; "conservative" in name only !  There is no practical difference between Irvings'  neoconservative Republicans and today's Democrats.  Aside from huffing and puffing their differences for the camera, they both result in larger government, financial irresponsibility, declining dollar, inflation, a state-monopolistic capitalism, and finally, all according the master's plan; a Utopian Marxist society.    This is just a theory, but here's what really has happened:


After Mr Kristol helped to start off the neoconservatives, they finally gained ascendency during the mid-Reagan Administration, (Reagan must have been partially senile by this time).  This is the important part:  Around this time Democrats "picked" the neoconservatives as their new opposition.  Of course!  Any Democrat would rather "fight" someone more like them self and marginalize their real conservative opposition.  The media, being overwhelmingly Democrat, were only too cooperative to take the spotlight off the real Republican opposition.    Genius Kristol, ...genius!  So the real Mitt Romney, just like his neoconservative Democrat brothers are for all intents and purposes, the same.  Nothing will be discernible different if he is elected.  He won't be, I'm just saying. 

Second, & back to my theory...

In Marxist teachings, capitalism's destruction follows a "state monopolistic capitalism."   We now, of "necessity," have taken steps toward such a system when Republicans are complicit in the now state-chosen, corporate favorites' system;
  1. Certain state-coddled corporations get trillions in "bail-out" government support, others go under.
  2. Record large-cap profits occur in a jobless recovery, (although Walmart's hiring).

This is what neoconservatives do.  It's part of their DNA since Kristol's founding ideology.

Along the US Citizen's "Road to Serfdom"

If you read my other posts, are brave enough to question your unexamined beliefs, instead of salivate to the Republican establishment, then perhaps a few of you will begin to understand why the US citizen's "Road to Serfdom," or financial slavery, coincides with the neoconservatives' stern ideological take over of the Republican Party.  Neoconservatives' initial proselytizers were geniuses at incorporating for popular consumption Irving's intoxicating "ideals."  So intoxicating that once its' absolutist vision took hold in the naive Republican mind, me being one of them, only a brutal reality could hope to crack its all-powerful matrix.  

In retrospect, the 2008 financial crisis unfortunately was only a hairline crack in this matrix, Republicans are still sleeping, i.e. Neocon Romney Robot.  Oh what hope for America, :(

Before our country gets any better politically, there must be a practical alternative to the bankrupt neoconservative agenda.  I am calling for the establishment of the best viable political values the world has to offer; that of a neo-traditional (non-racist) conservatism to restore the respect, intellectual integrity and decency of the now broken and humiliated Republican Party. 

Neotraditional conservatives will have to be sure of their historical foundations, put up courageously with flack from "both" sides, and be versed in the true origins of conservatism, not this Micky Mouse version they've been handed.  Are you up to the challenge?  Its only our entire country at stake.

Unite! Take our Party back!

Lawrence A. Feriozzi

Monday, April 2, 2012

The New Economy Part 2: Non-neoconservative, non-racist Republicans UNITE!

I would much prefer a poor black women or Hispanic women Republican, to a white male one.  Why?  Because I know their here for ideas and not to find refuge for their delusional beliefs about race, sex or class.

While it's obvious I have complete disdain for past 17 years of lock-step rule of neoconservative ideas, I also reject Traditional or Paleoconservatism as hopelessly having the air of aristocratic bigotry about it.  It is amazing that otherwise intelligent people in the Republican Party would hold such bigoted views and focus to any degree on completely irrelevant, superficial and always counterproductive traits of race, sex or class!

I don't have shallow, divisive views like this, yet I am a conservative.  I can do this because I am intelligent and can discern that there are inferior ideas, not races or classes.

Furthermore, even our silence on the matter implicates us guilty due to the Republican Party's muddy history of bigoted traditional/paleoconservatives.  If you don't acknowledge this you are delusional or a bigot yourself and should leave the party.  Go start your own somewhere else, far away!  Any hint of racism in our party ought be exposed inside the party, not hinted and chuckled at! (I've heard it too many times)...and the ideas jettisoned along with the people that hold them if necessary.

Nevertheless, while I reject any privilege not based on merit, the ruling traditional/palioconservatives prior to the neoconservatives' reign, did have a strong, pragmatic moral foundation which safeguarded us from ideological extremes.  It protected the party from the repercussions of neoconservatives' destructive "absolutist" views;
  1. From preemptive war as unjust, 
  2. From promoting multinational corporate domination of our economic environment in the name of "free-markets"
  3. And from the extremes of speculator's greed that have been so destructive to capitalism's long-term future. 
All at the cost of the individual US citizen's entrepreneurial freedom.
I'll say it:

Our "free-market" needs drastic intervention TO MAKE IT FREE AGAIN.  We have to CUT-DOWN the legislative largeness of monopolistic State-coddled multinational corporations with their TRILLIONS of tax-payer bail-outs!

The incredible success of the establishment neoconservatives lock-step response to this statement is, "He's a socialist."  That's because neoconservatives have successfully used the totalitarian techniques of their Marxist founder, Irving Kristol. (more about him later).  We can no longer say things like this without being labeled a socialist.  (Totalizing philosophies have always targeted changing word meanings to shut down the opposition).

Oh my neoconservative friends at Fox News, it's time to call a spade a spade.  Your absolutist ideas are the problem, your absolutist immoral ideas need to go, before you completely destroy America in the name of conservatism.


  1. 3rd Parties have never been viable in this country, never, never, never--don't waste your time!
  2. The Democrats want what is happening, it's a perfect excuse for "curbing the excesses of capitalism through the redistribution of wealth and massive social programs. (Is there a neoconservative-socialist connection: YES there is! at it's very foundation)

I hate to be so absolutist myself but what is at stake is everything.  If you disagree it is not based on merit, it is based on your ignorance of these matters.

Non-neoconservative, non-racist Republicans UNITE!

Lawrence A. Feriozzi

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome to the "New Economy,” a World-Wide Wage Equilibrium!

"Quantitative Easing” or QE = the Federal Treasury’s euphemism for (electronically) print more money.  Why?  So we can pay our massive deficits is the obvious reason. 

 Great! …right?  

Slow down homey.  The US’ unprecedented pouring of trillions of newly printed cash into the economy has precedent; in countries that cannot pay their debts. You say, “But we own the only printing presses for the world’s reserve currency, we can’t go under.”

US workers wages would be drastically lowered by a coming inflation making industry profitable again.  Worldwide wage equilibrium!  Come join the "New Economy!" 

 "The New Economy" = a euphemism for the idea that the bulk of US workers need to lower their job expectations in an effort to reach worldwide wage equilibrium.

How Did This Happen to the United States?

Well, at least we had Walmart’s low prices during our grumblings over unemployment and lower wages.  This of course after our government let loose the "giant sucking sound" of eager overseas workers and the ensuing rush toward world-wide wage equilibrium.  They knew cheap bread and circuses placate the people just like they did during the slow, corrupt rot of Ancient Rome.

However now the critical mass of America’s ability to create value for the world is gone, ...overseas.  I don't blame the company's so much.  Wages are their largest expense and their blood has pulsed for years to the frenetic beat of speculator's jacking trillions from one company to the next.  

Neoconservatism: Not New, and Not Conservative

I locate the problem in a sundering, a divorce of sorts.  The foundational marriage between “moral sentiments” (Adam Smith) and the free-market got a divorce under the influence of neoconservative’s intoxication with profit.  Just one of their many “metaphysical abstractions,” held regardless of circumstance.  Edmund Burk, conservatives' original godfather, further wrote in his Reflections on the Revolution in France, that, “The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind.”  Real conservatives, contrary to the now neoconservative establishment, do not adhere to metaphysical abstractions like a Leninist!  They are pragmatic and decent!

Amazingly the same well-connected too big to fail neoconservative led corporations who received the largest amount of (neoconservative) government welfare in history at tax payers' expense, are now able to contribute millions more to further influence the political process!  This should be "noxious" to any political party or self-respecting citizen.  If you disagree with this, you quite likely have been brainwashed and hold unexamined neoconservative beliefs.  You are also an irresponsible citizen, and part of the problem.

Neoconservatism: The Fake Convert


Lets remember it was this neoconservative abstraction that also neglected to balance the interest of our citizens, as a whole; before rushing to destroy our economic base, for the few.  I understand and agree with the great benefits of free trade, but shouldn't these politicians consider the US citizen?  Detached and free of conservatism’s historical, religious, and philosophical foundations, neoconservatives don't have to.  As historian Stephen Tonsor writes, they have became the “town whore who got religion” and then took over the church, the Republican Party and created this financial mess:

“It has always struck me as odd, even perverse, that former Marxists have been permitted, yes invited, to play such a leading role in the Conservative movement of the twentieth century. It is splendid when the town whore gets religion and joins the church. Now and then she makes a good choir director, but when she begins to tell the minister what he ought to say in his Sunday sermons, matters have been carried too far."

Why I Too Am Not a Neoconservative" by Stephen Tonsor

Lawrence Feriozzi