Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome to the "New Economy,” a World-Wide Wage Equilibrium!

"Quantitative Easing” or QE = the Federal Treasury’s euphemism for (electronically) print more money.  Why?  So we can pay our massive deficits is the obvious reason. 

 Great! …right?  

Slow down homey.  The US’ unprecedented pouring of trillions of newly printed cash into the economy has precedent; in countries that cannot pay their debts. You say, “But we own the only printing presses for the world’s reserve currency, we can’t go under.”

US workers wages would be drastically lowered by a coming inflation making industry profitable again.  Worldwide wage equilibrium!  Come join the "New Economy!" 

 "The New Economy" = a euphemism for the idea that the bulk of US workers need to lower their job expectations in an effort to reach worldwide wage equilibrium.

How Did This Happen to the United States?

Well, at least we had Walmart’s low prices during our grumblings over unemployment and lower wages.  This of course after our government let loose the "giant sucking sound" of eager overseas workers and the ensuing rush toward world-wide wage equilibrium.  They knew cheap bread and circuses placate the people just like they did during the slow, corrupt rot of Ancient Rome.

However now the critical mass of America’s ability to create value for the world is gone, ...overseas.  I don't blame the company's so much.  Wages are their largest expense and their blood has pulsed for years to the frenetic beat of speculator's jacking trillions from one company to the next.  

Neoconservatism: Not New, and Not Conservative

I locate the problem in a sundering, a divorce of sorts.  The foundational marriage between “moral sentiments” (Adam Smith) and the free-market got a divorce under the influence of neoconservative’s intoxication with profit.  Just one of their many “metaphysical abstractions,” held regardless of circumstance.  Edmund Burk, conservatives' original godfather, further wrote in his Reflections on the Revolution in France, that, “The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind.”  Real conservatives, contrary to the now neoconservative establishment, do not adhere to metaphysical abstractions like a Leninist!  They are pragmatic and decent!

Amazingly the same well-connected too big to fail neoconservative led corporations who received the largest amount of (neoconservative) government welfare in history at tax payers' expense, are now able to contribute millions more to further influence the political process!  This should be "noxious" to any political party or self-respecting citizen.  If you disagree with this, you quite likely have been brainwashed and hold unexamined neoconservative beliefs.  You are also an irresponsible citizen, and part of the problem.

Neoconservatism: The Fake Convert


Lets remember it was this neoconservative abstraction that also neglected to balance the interest of our citizens, as a whole; before rushing to destroy our economic base, for the few.  I understand and agree with the great benefits of free trade, but shouldn't these politicians consider the US citizen?  Detached and free of conservatism’s historical, religious, and philosophical foundations, neoconservatives don't have to.  As historian Stephen Tonsor writes, they have became the “town whore who got religion” and then took over the church, the Republican Party and created this financial mess:

“It has always struck me as odd, even perverse, that former Marxists have been permitted, yes invited, to play such a leading role in the Conservative movement of the twentieth century. It is splendid when the town whore gets religion and joins the church. Now and then she makes a good choir director, but when she begins to tell the minister what he ought to say in his Sunday sermons, matters have been carried too far."

Why I Too Am Not a Neoconservative" by Stephen Tonsor

Lawrence Feriozzi

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