Monday, April 2, 2012

The New Economy Part 2: Non-neoconservative, non-racist Republicans UNITE!

I would much prefer a poor black women or Hispanic women Republican, to a white male one.  Why?  Because I know their here for ideas and not to find refuge for their delusional beliefs about race, sex or class.

While it's obvious I have complete disdain for past 17 years of lock-step rule of neoconservative ideas, I also reject Traditional or Paleoconservatism as hopelessly having the air of aristocratic bigotry about it.  It is amazing that otherwise intelligent people in the Republican Party would hold such bigoted views and focus to any degree on completely irrelevant, superficial and always counterproductive traits of race, sex or class!

I don't have shallow, divisive views like this, yet I am a conservative.  I can do this because I am intelligent and can discern that there are inferior ideas, not races or classes.

Furthermore, even our silence on the matter implicates us guilty due to the Republican Party's muddy history of bigoted traditional/paleoconservatives.  If you don't acknowledge this you are delusional or a bigot yourself and should leave the party.  Go start your own somewhere else, far away!  Any hint of racism in our party ought be exposed inside the party, not hinted and chuckled at! (I've heard it too many times)...and the ideas jettisoned along with the people that hold them if necessary.

Nevertheless, while I reject any privilege not based on merit, the ruling traditional/palioconservatives prior to the neoconservatives' reign, did have a strong, pragmatic moral foundation which safeguarded us from ideological extremes.  It protected the party from the repercussions of neoconservatives' destructive "absolutist" views;
  1. From preemptive war as unjust, 
  2. From promoting multinational corporate domination of our economic environment in the name of "free-markets"
  3. And from the extremes of speculator's greed that have been so destructive to capitalism's long-term future. 
All at the cost of the individual US citizen's entrepreneurial freedom.
I'll say it:

Our "free-market" needs drastic intervention TO MAKE IT FREE AGAIN.  We have to CUT-DOWN the legislative largeness of monopolistic State-coddled multinational corporations with their TRILLIONS of tax-payer bail-outs!

The incredible success of the establishment neoconservatives lock-step response to this statement is, "He's a socialist."  That's because neoconservatives have successfully used the totalitarian techniques of their Marxist founder, Irving Kristol. (more about him later).  We can no longer say things like this without being labeled a socialist.  (Totalizing philosophies have always targeted changing word meanings to shut down the opposition).

Oh my neoconservative friends at Fox News, it's time to call a spade a spade.  Your absolutist ideas are the problem, your absolutist immoral ideas need to go, before you completely destroy America in the name of conservatism.


  1. 3rd Parties have never been viable in this country, never, never, never--don't waste your time!
  2. The Democrats want what is happening, it's a perfect excuse for "curbing the excesses of capitalism through the redistribution of wealth and massive social programs. (Is there a neoconservative-socialist connection: YES there is! at it's very foundation)

I hate to be so absolutist myself but what is at stake is everything.  If you disagree it is not based on merit, it is based on your ignorance of these matters.

Non-neoconservative, non-racist Republicans UNITE!

Lawrence A. Feriozzi

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