Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Take back our Republican Party!

Rank and file neoconservatives holding fast to their ideals in spite of the evidence are not conservative!  Historically conservatives’ very essence is pragmatic and practical!  They are guided by time-tested values and by the practical realities of the day, not philosophical abstractions regardless of circumstances. 
Examples of philosophical abstractions;

  • “Profit is THE Good in and of itself; anyone who disagrees is a socialist.”  WRONG.  See, there is a difference between making a profit and taking that same profit.
    • To make a profit is good; it means you are providing something of real-world value to the market and society.
    • Taking a profit or “profit-taking” via continuous, industrial-sized market manipulations to siphon-off value from the market is bad; you are providing nothing of worth to the market or society, you’re just mooching.

  • “As an elected representative, addressing the special interests of voters and contributors is my primary duty.”  WRONG AGAIN.  See, there is a difference between serving in public office and serving for public office. 
    • Serving in public office means you have the courageous, visionary instinct to do the right thing regardless of the consequences once in a while.  Cut us off from the teat of government before we go bankrupt and have no country!  
    • But you, neoconservative Republican, are serving for public office.  You address the desires of voters and contributors to get reelected.  You are weak, douchey moochers like the rest of us in America.  SOCIAL SECURITY RECIPIENTS NOT EXCLUDED!  

Cut us off for our own good; that is Republican leadership!

But here I aim for more than sophisticated grumblings.  I wish again to see the reestablishment of the best political values that the world has to offer; that of a neotraditional (non-racist) conservatism to the broken Republican Party.

Are you there?

Unite!  Take back our Republican Party!


Lawrence A. Feriozzi

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